KOH-I-NOOR Tortoishell Extra Wide Spread Teeth Comb (18 x 4 cm)
Also recommended for curly hair. Our handmade combs are made of cellulose acetate, derived from cotton. The fake tortoiseshell look is a unique coloring effect of this material. To achieve the best quality and finish, Koh-I-Noor combs are subjected to several mechanical and manual processes. The Koh-I-Noor comb easily penetrates the thickest hair, does not scratch the skin and does not pull the hair because after cutting each tooth is subjected to three special processes: planing, grinding and polishing. It does not break because it is made of flexible and resistant high-quality material. It is always perfect because each comb is subjected to a rigorous control and only if it is completely free of defects is it put on sale under the Koh-I-Noor brand.